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We suggest that you begin with 4 cloth pads (cloth pads beginer kit ) to test yourself self and know which size was better for you. Then you will buy securely to fit your body necessities.
Every person is different, we all have different shapes, sizes and flows. Cloth pads are very similar than the commercial cloths. We encourage you to make yours changes no latter than two hours. But you know yourself better so keep monitoring yourself.
Yes! Every cloth pads is designed to prevent accidents, but it's important you take your time to know your timing between changes. I never had an accident using my cloth pads. (no accidents)
Same way you usually do. Use your wet bag to carry on secure on your purse!. And NO. It doesn't stink! . What cause disgusting odors is the plastic wraps used on commercial menstrual pads. You will surprise how many changes youlll experiment using cloth pads. You will also see less days on period and less pain.
Until's today's date we had no returns on our products. Your satisfaction is important to us. But if that were the case we will let you know how to proceed.
We use United States Postal Service options to deliver our products. Once your order has left the facility we can't control your shipment. Be sure to understand the importance of place an acceptable address for your delivery. Every buyer is responsible for place the correct address to be shipped. We aren't responsible for stolen or miss placed address once processed.